Cara Format Blackberry Bold 9000 - all cyber kali ini akan berbagi mengenai tips bb lagi, berikut ini kode atau key untuk memformat ulang bb Bold 9000 sobat, dalam artikel sebelumnya all cyber juga telah berbagi cara Upgrade OS BB Bold 9000 kali aja sobat ingin mengupgrade os bb ke versi terbaru. langsung saja berikut cara Format Ulang Blackberry Bold 9000 :
Double-Soft Reset
Press ALT + RIGHT SHIFT(CAP) + DELETE . The screen will go blank for a few seconds. When the screen comes back on, immediately press ALT + RIGHT SHIFT(CAP) + DELETE again.
Press ALT + RIGHT SHIFT(CAP) + DELETE . The screen will go blank for a few seconds. When the screen comes back on, immediately press ALT + RIGHT SHIFT(CAP) + DELETE again.
Cara Hard Reset Blackberry Bold 9000
If none of the above works, pull the battery out of the unit for a few seconds, then reinsert it.
If none of the above works, pull the battery out of the unit for a few seconds, then reinsert it.
Cara Soft reset Blackberry Curve 8320
If Tekan dan tahan tombo ALT + Shift + DEL setelah itu layar akan black (hitam) tunggu beberapa saat bb anda akan aktif kembali.
Sekian untuk Cara Format Blackberry Bold 9000, semoga bermanfaat .
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